Working with Cloud Services

Resultado de imagen para clouds services providers
On my last work we experienced our data Centre electricity cut because of a huracain and all paid operations of our clients went down and not functional. 

After a meeting with the CIO we decide experience the cloud and reestablish the services we could there, we used to believe those services were expensive enough and could become something we won't be able to afford but after we start configuring and seeing the services and prices at cloud we realized we were wrong and change of mind and start thinking more seriously about cloud and the positives impacts it could have on a company.

For us it was a big surprise realize that complex servers configuration can be done by any child on minutes and the overall speed of ours application becomes better than before, the cloud also gave us some tips to make our applications more efficient because tech us the important of maximize the use of the resources and reduces the irrelevant request that stress the resources and affect the overall performances on the systems.

The most interesting experience was see the secure they offer and the aggregate value it add to the customers.

The information technology is always changing and each time is more visible the fact the developers are now more integrated not only with the software development but with the environment where software will run too.

So now is important for developers and company to take the cloud more serious and take a glance to all capabilities it offers us.

I invite you to feel curious and sniff any cloud flavors you'd like, like me and the whole company U worked for you'll be surprised of all thing you can do.



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